Gain access to industry standard real-time software and Driving Simulator environment and boost your team's R&D process.
Welcome to the VI-grade sponsoring initiative for Formula Student teams around the world!
We have initiated our worldwide Formula Student sponsoring program to support students around the globe in their endeavor to build a more sophisticated race car. Our software will enable you to gain a competitive advantage through the implementation of advanced technology.
You may apply for up to five Offline Package licenses and one Online/Simulator Package license for your team. In exchange, we ask you to support VI-grade with your marketing efforts. You will be provided with a basic Formula Student vehicle model in the software package, which you can then align to your actual race car. Additionally, you will have access to a selection of reference material and video tutorials, to help you through your first steps in the VI-Motorsport software environment.
"What VI-grade did for us the last two seasons was just phenomenal, it's such a user-friendly software that everyone in our department easily learns how to use. In addition to that, it has the potential to go into the specifics to answer various questions and help to achieve our goals. We are also using VI-grade software to help us simulate the vehicle behavior of our autonomous racecar. We are still exploring the capabilities of this software and really want to thank VI-grade for the huge support."
Khalil Mahjoub, Team Leader, Kaiserslautern Racing Team - KaRaT e.V.
We have two different software packages in the shelf for you:
Offline Package, containing VI-Motorsport, which helps racing teams to reduce time needed to find the best set-up for a given car on a given circuit and to explore more design variants in less time. Additionally, you´ll get access to interfaces to Matlab Simulink and Hexagon / MSC Adams (Simulink and Adams licenses not provided)
Online/Simulator Package, containing VI-DriveSim, VI-grade´s leading driving simulator technology. This will enable you to put your VI-Motorsport vehicle models in a Driver-in-the-Loop environment to test new designs and component variants with your drivers without the need of building physical prototypes (simulator hardware not provided).
Interested in our Sponsorship Program?
In order to apply for a VI-grade software sponsoring, please fill out the following form. You may apply for up to five Offline Package licenses and one Online/Simulastor Package license.
Please note the following:
You can choose between node-locked licenses (locked to one specific PC) or server licenses. You can also mix both configurations. If you go for server licenses, please tell us how many licenses should go on which server in the comments field.
You can also use our software on virtual machines, please indicate accordingly below.
To obtain the needed hardware information, please open a command window on the PC/server you want to use and type in "IPCONFIG/ALL"
a. For host name, we need the HOST NAME:
b. For MAC address, we need the PHYSICAL ADDRESS of your ethernet card (all entries including “virtual adapter” do not apply. If you do not have an ethernet card, you can use the physical address of your WiFi card)
Please complete the following form to register. Registration will grant you access to the reserved area.
At the end of the registration you will receive an e-mail containing your registration data.
I consent VI-grade to contact me via email and accept the privacy policy