CEVT adopts VI-grade DiM250 DYNAMIC Driving Simulator
Darmstadt (Germany), May 7th, 2020 – Sweden-based innovation center for the future cars of the Geely Holding Group CEVT (China Euro Vehicle Technology AB) announced today the purchase of a DYNAMIC Driving Simulator from VI-grade to enhance its research and development capabilities.
In detail, CEVT has selected a DiM250 DYNAMIC Driving Simulator (Driver-in-Motion) equipped with the whole VI-DriveSim software suite and with active technology (belts, seat, brake and shakers) that will be installed in the to-be-built second part of Geely’s campus at Lindholmen, UNI3 by Geely, which will be inaugurated around midsummer 2021.

The driving simulator, which is expected to be up and running a bit earlier than that, will be used for Vehicle Dynamics, Ride & Comfort as well as ADAS applications in the development of new vehicles, with particular reference to the Lynk & Co. brand.
CEVT is a wholly owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group and covers vital aspects of passenger car development – from architecture to powertrain and driveline components, to top hat engineering, i.e. the upper body structure as well as the vehicles' exterior design. The company represents an innovation centre for the future cars of the Geely Holding Group with the purpose of being at the forefront of new developments in the automotive industry.
“For CEVT this investment is a crucial part of our toolbox to develop the mobility solutions for a different tomorrow. It shows the importance of CEVT as a company within the Geely Auto Group as well as a company in the automotive capital of the Nordics”, said Mats Fägerhag CEO at CEVT. “Our ambition with the simulator is to replicate the real world in as many aspects as possible to provide our engineers with an alternative to real world tests. In many cases we see that we can do the same tests as in the real world and still get a high level of representation of reality. This means that the simulator can be an option to any test that can be done on a prototype vehicle or a test vehicle in general. Examples of such studies can be vehicle dynamics, ride and handling but also research on autonomous cars as well as future transportation and mobility. Anything that can be modelled on a computer in an accurate manner can be tested”, added Fägerhag.

“Imagine that you have a new idea for some function that you want to test in the car. In the past you had to design the function, build a prototype of it and put it in a test car, go to the test track, try it and in the end perhaps go on with it or do modifications. These steps can often take months and cost a lot of money for each and every part of the process. With the simulator you can do a simple model of the function, take it downstairs to the simulator and try it out directly. You also get direct access to all the data and better control of the test. Think about all the innovation that can take place! We can probably test our vehicles half a year before we get the prototypes for them. A design change can take a week instead of until the next prototype series, which can be due in a year”, said Albin Gröndahl, CAE Engineer and Project Manager for the Driving Simulator at CEVT.
“Once again, we are very happy to report on the adoption of our DYNAMIC Driving Simulator at another automotive company such as CEVT” said Guido Bairati, VP Global Sales and Marketing, VI-grade. “This marks the 20th installation of our flagship DYNAMIC Driving Simulators (DiM150 and DiM250) on a worldwide basis and the second exemplar installed in the city of Gothenburg, where also Volvo’s DiM150 is operational since 2014”.
To reproduce vehicle movements and accelerations, the DiM solution takes a different path to driving simulation and is based on a patented revolutionary design with nine actuators. The resulting configuration with its 9 degrees of freedom enables to go beyond the basic six-actuator design of a simple hexapod or similar, thus providing a larger workspace while maintaining a high stiffness. This leads to a system suitable for low as well as high frequencies, both of which occur in automotive chassis design. For this reason, DiM enables to investigate vehicle dynamics as well as ride and comfort on the same driving simulator.
In detail, CEVT has selected a DiM250 DYNAMIC Driving Simulator (Driver-in-Motion) equipped with the whole VI-DriveSim software suite and with active technology (belts, seat, brake and shakers) that will be installed in the to-be-built second part of Geely’s campus at Lindholmen, UNI3 by Geely, which will be inaugurated around midsummer 2021.

The driving simulator, which is expected to be up and running a bit earlier than that, will be used for Vehicle Dynamics, Ride & Comfort as well as ADAS applications in the development of new vehicles, with particular reference to the Lynk & Co. brand.
CEVT is a wholly owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group and covers vital aspects of passenger car development – from architecture to powertrain and driveline components, to top hat engineering, i.e. the upper body structure as well as the vehicles' exterior design. The company represents an innovation centre for the future cars of the Geely Holding Group with the purpose of being at the forefront of new developments in the automotive industry.
“For CEVT this investment is a crucial part of our toolbox to develop the mobility solutions for a different tomorrow. It shows the importance of CEVT as a company within the Geely Auto Group as well as a company in the automotive capital of the Nordics”, said Mats Fägerhag CEO at CEVT. “Our ambition with the simulator is to replicate the real world in as many aspects as possible to provide our engineers with an alternative to real world tests. In many cases we see that we can do the same tests as in the real world and still get a high level of representation of reality. This means that the simulator can be an option to any test that can be done on a prototype vehicle or a test vehicle in general. Examples of such studies can be vehicle dynamics, ride and handling but also research on autonomous cars as well as future transportation and mobility. Anything that can be modelled on a computer in an accurate manner can be tested”, added Fägerhag.

“Imagine that you have a new idea for some function that you want to test in the car. In the past you had to design the function, build a prototype of it and put it in a test car, go to the test track, try it and in the end perhaps go on with it or do modifications. These steps can often take months and cost a lot of money for each and every part of the process. With the simulator you can do a simple model of the function, take it downstairs to the simulator and try it out directly. You also get direct access to all the data and better control of the test. Think about all the innovation that can take place! We can probably test our vehicles half a year before we get the prototypes for them. A design change can take a week instead of until the next prototype series, which can be due in a year”, said Albin Gröndahl, CAE Engineer and Project Manager for the Driving Simulator at CEVT.
“Once again, we are very happy to report on the adoption of our DYNAMIC Driving Simulator at another automotive company such as CEVT” said Guido Bairati, VP Global Sales and Marketing, VI-grade. “This marks the 20th installation of our flagship DYNAMIC Driving Simulators (DiM150 and DiM250) on a worldwide basis and the second exemplar installed in the city of Gothenburg, where also Volvo’s DiM150 is operational since 2014”.
To reproduce vehicle movements and accelerations, the DiM solution takes a different path to driving simulation and is based on a patented revolutionary design with nine actuators. The resulting configuration with its 9 degrees of freedom enables to go beyond the basic six-actuator design of a simple hexapod or similar, thus providing a larger workspace while maintaining a high stiffness. This leads to a system suitable for low as well as high frequencies, both of which occur in automotive chassis design. For this reason, DiM enables to investigate vehicle dynamics as well as ride and comfort on the same driving simulator.
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