The VSound vehicle sound evaluation system enables real-time simulation and experience of NVH virtual prototypes in the ultimate context of a real vehicle, with ultra-simple operation. Whether performing benchmark comparisons between vehicles for interior sound, developing new interior or exterior sounds for EVs, or enabling virtual sign-offs for target sounds of vehicles that are months or years away from production, VSound enables the accurate, synchronized sound reproduction to enable effective decision making.
With VSound, there is no need to have an engineer in the car while operating the vehicle. VSound starts when the car starts, and there is no additional set up necessary once the original configuration has been done.
When performing back-to-back benchmark comparisons with real vehicles, it is necessary first to have all benchmark vehicles present simultaneously. The evaluator drives one vehicle, stops, switches cars, and starts the driving the next vehicle. This typically takes several minutes, and by the time the 2nd vehicle is being evaluated, the acoustic memory of the first has started to fade, there is too much time between auditory assessments to make a true back-to-back comparison.
With the VSound system, benchmark vehicle sounds can be switched instantly while driving, providing true back-to-back comparison of vehicle sounds – and none of the actual benchmark vehicles need to be present at the evaluation.
VSound is controlled wirelessly by a simple smartphone app, VsoundRC, available for iPod touch® or iPhone®.
VSound features: