
Experience future vehicle sounds inside and outside the vehicle, on a real vehicle

The VSound vehicle sound evaluation system enables real-time simulation and experience of NVH virtual prototypes in the ultimate context of a real vehicle, with ultra-simple operation. Whether performing benchmark comparisons between vehicles for interior sound, developing new interior or exterior sounds for EVs, or enabling virtual sign-offs for target sounds of vehicles that are months or years away from production, VSound enables the accurate, synchronized sound reproduction to enable effective decision making

With VSound, there is no need to have an engineer in the car while operating the vehicle. VSound starts when the car starts, and there is no additional set up necessary once the original configuration has been done.  

Often with vehicle sound, it is not enough to listen to a 30 second portion or experience it for a couple of minutes to make a complete judgement, it is frequently the case that one needs to “live with” the sound of the vehicle for a considerable period of time. What sounds great at first, may end up being tiring, annoying or boring after a typical 1 hour commute in real-life driving. 

With VSound, the proposed sound profiles can be loaded, and the vehicle can be given to an executive or evaluator for an overnight, all-day or multi-day evaluation. Evaluators can “live with” the sound and decide if it is the right sound for the vehicle in the context of real-world use. 

When performing back-to-back benchmark comparisons with real vehicles, it is necessary first to have all benchmark vehicles present simultaneously. The evaluator drives one vehicle, stops, switches cars, and starts the driving the next vehicle. This typically takes several minutes, and by the time the 2nd vehicle is being evaluated, the acoustic memory of the first has started to fade, there is too much time between auditory assessments to make a true back-to-back comparison.

With the VSound system, benchmark vehicle sounds can be switched instantly while driving, providing true back-to-back comparison of vehicle sounds – and none of the actual benchmark vehicles need to be present at the evaluation. 

For many vehicles, especially EVs, ASD (active sound design) is often used to enhance the sound of the vehicle, express vehicle character, and communication brand DNA. Much of this design can be done on the desktop using the DESKTOP NVH Simulator and Exterior Sound Simulator. But for final validation and real-world evaluation, VSound can be used to assess interior and exterior sound design long before prototype parts or prototype sound systems are available.

Vehicle sound models or virtual NVH prototypes containing vehicle sound characteristics are typically created utilizing the DESKTOP NVH Simulator. These models are then transferred to the VSound system, a DSP-based self-contained in-vehicle unit. Vehicle speed, engine and/or motor speed, pedal position, and many other parameters are monitored by VSound via a CAN-bus connection, and used to generate sound from the virtual prototype model in real-time, responding instantly to any driver inputs. 

VSound is controlled wirelessly by a simple smartphone app, VsoundRC, available for iPod touch® or iPhone®. 

VSound features:

  • 8 independent output channels 
  • 8 input channels with CCLD power 
  • Dual tachometer inputs 
  • CAN-bus connectivity  
  • Powered by CAN-bus connector or dc power from vehicle 
  • Flexray support 
  • Wireless connectivity to iPod / iPhone with VSoundRC app for all control functions 


  • Back-to-back benchmark assessments in-vehicle 
  • Evaluation and experience of target levels in-vehicle for target sign-off 
  • Real-world experience of interior and exterior vehicle sounds 
  • Extended, “everyday driving” real-world evaluations of future sounds
  • EV exterior sound development for AVAS electric vehicle warning sounds 
  • EV exterior sound development for EV sound design 
  • Autonomous vehicle exterior sound development 
  • EV interior sound development 


  • Extend the DESKTOP NVH Simulator, STATIC NVH simulator and NVH Exterior Sound Simulator models to in-vehicle experience 
  • Gather customer and evaluator feedback in the ultimate realistic context for driving simulation 
  • Evaluate targets, prototype sounds and potential designs without the need for prototype parts

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