VI-CarRealTime is a comprehensive and user-friendly environment for modeling and simulating vehicles in real-time. It operates with its own GUI or can be embedded into a control environment.
VI-CarRealTime provides a real-time vehicle simulation environment where the same simplified vehicle model can be used by vehicle dynamics and controls engineers to optimize vehicle and control system performance.
During the VI-CarRealTime training, you will learn how to quickly and easily implement your real-time vehicle model, exporting it directly from either ADAMS Car or K&C loadcases. You will discover how to simulate your model in different operating scenarios and how to integrate it with different types of controllers. At the end of the training, the implemented models will be uploaded on a compact driving simulator, giving the trainee the possibility of performing a subjective evaluation on the vehicle performance.
Who Should Attend
Engineers in charge of vehicle dynamics and components testing
Driving simulator engineers
Fundamentals in vehicle dynamics are recommended, basic Simulink® skills are welcome
Attendees will be required to join the training with their own PC; a demo license of the software will be installed on their machine at the beginning of the training
Getting familiar with the VI-CarRealTime simulation environment
Importing vehicle data from external environments
Running full vehicle simulations in VI-CarRealTime
Using real-time vehicle models on a driving simulator
Download the VI-CarRealTime Training Brochure at this link:
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