Darmstadt, Germany, February 20, 2025 – VI-grade, the global provider of human-centric simulation-driven vehicle development solutions, today announced the preliminary lineup of speakers and sponsors for its 2025 ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit, taking place from May 13-15, 2025, at VI-grade’s SimCenter in Udine, Italy. In addition, registration for the event is now open at this link, with an Early-Bird Discount of 20% available for registrations made before March 21st.
Tailored to the global automotive development community, the summit provides exclusive insights into how VI-grade’s simulation software, driving simulators and Hardware-in-the-Loop technology are being utilized by industry leaders to accelerate development and tackle the Zero Prototypes challenge. Specifically curated high-level keynote and technical presentations will feature representatives from Alpine Cars, Applus+ IDIADA, EDAG Group, Honda R&D, HORIBA MIRA, MegaRide, Multimatic, TRE and Volvo. More contributions from leading OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers will be announced in the coming weeks.
In addition to gaining insights into the latest virtual development practices, attendees will have the opportunity to experience VI-grade's comprehensive portfolio of simulation software, driving simulators, and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) technologies through hands-on demo sessions. These sessions will also showcase the recently launched COMPACT HMI Simulator, along with a new driving simulator that will be unveiled exclusively during the summit.
To maximize the value of their visit to the SimCenter, participants are invited to join complimentary training sessions on VI-grade's software products, including VI-CarRealTime, VI-WorldSim, and VI-NVHSim. These sessions will provide a deeper understanding of the software's functionalities and capabilities, catering to both newcomers seeking foundational knowledge and experienced users looking to deepen their expertise.
Additionally, dedicated user group meetings will be held for driving simulator and NVH customers, offering a platform to share experiences, exchange best practices, and provide direct feedback to VI-grade's product development teams. As in previous years, the summit will feature multiple networking opportunities, enabling participants to connect with industry peers, gain new perspectives, and prepare for emerging challenges in the automotive sector.
“We’re excited to unveil the first lineup of speakers and sponsors for our 2025 ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit,” said Guido Bairati, Managing Director of VI-grade. “In an era of increasing complexity, cost pressures, and the demand for faster time-to-market, our summit offers a platform for companies to explore how virtual testing – through simulation software, driving simulators, and HiL solutions – can drive resilience and growth. We are excited to once again welcome global industry leaders to our SimCenter in Udine, empowering them to push boundaries and innovate with confidence.”
VI-grade would like to acknowledge and thank the following industry partners for their support and sponsorship of the 2025 ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit:
Silver: 3D Mapping Solutions, Fraunhofer Institut ITWM, New Eagle, project: syntropy, Rohde & Schwarz, Smart Eye, STEP Lab
Bronze: BE CAE & Test, JEDAi, MOOG
Registration for the 2025 ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit is open at this link. An exclusive Early Bird Discount of 20% is available for registrations made before March 21st. Further discounts for multiple attendees from the same organization, universities etc. are available upon request. Additional details about the event will be added to the VI-grade website as they become available.
乗り心地と操縦性、市街地コース(Ride & Handling and City Circuit):
この試験場は、乗り心地と操縦性のための独自の2.22kmのマルチユーザーサーキットと、CAV開発のための3.7kmの都市・郊外環境が特徴です。この場所は、イギリスのウォリックシャーにある850エーカーのMIRA Technology Park内にあります。
Darmstadt, Germany, December 12, 2024 – VI-grade, the global provider of human-centric simulation-driven vehicle development solutions, today announced its upcoming 2025 ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit. This annual flagship event is slated to take place May 13-15, 2025, at VI-grade’s SimCenter facility in Udine, Italy – the company’s main development hub featuring the full range of simulation software, driving simulators and Hardware-in-the-Loop technologies.
This flagship annual event brings together professionals from across the automotive industry to explore the latest advancements in virtual vehicle development. The 2025 summit will maintain its proven format, offering a blend of:
Keynote and Technical Presentations: Industry leaders, including OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, universities, and research centers, will share their insights, experiences, and best practices in utilizing VI-grade technologies
Hands-On Demonstrations: Attendees will have the opportunity to experience VI-grade’s innovative solutions through interactive sessions tailored to specific automotive applications
Networking and Knowledge Sharing: Numerous opportunities to connect with peers and industry experts, enhancing professional growth and preparing for emerging challenges in the automotive sector.
“The ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit is a cornerstone event for fostering innovation and collaboration within the automotive industry,” said Guido Bairati, Managing Director of VI-grade.“In an era of increasing complexity, cost pressures, and the demand for faster time-to-market, our summit offers a platform for companies to explore how virtual testing – through simulation software, driving simulators, and HiL solutions – can drive resilience and growth. We are excited to once again welcome global industry leaders to our SimCenter in Udine, empowering them to push boundaries and innovate with confidence.”
VI-gradeのManaging Director であるGuido Bairati氏は、次のように述べています。
VI-DriveSim 2025.1には、高度な再生管理ツール、全周波数帯シミュレータの忠実度の向上、Simulation Workbench for Windowsとの完全な互換性など、ドライビングシミュレーション体験を向上させるいくつかの新機能が導入されています。この最新リリースには、Addfor SpAとの共同開発によるAIベースのレイテンシー補正アルゴリズムであるVI-ZeroLatencyも含まれており、Sybille®テクノロジーにより、モーションプラットフォーム上のレイテンシーを最小化し、よりスムーズで応答性の高いシミュレーション体験を実現します。
VI-gradeのProduct Development Manager であるRoberto De Vecchi氏は、次のように述べています。
「当社の主力シミュレーション ソリューションの2025.1バージョンを発表できることを誇りに思います。これらの技術革新により、お客様は仮想テストワークフローを最適化し、物理的なプロトタイプへの依存を減らし、車両開発の効率化を促進することができます。」
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